Holding Space

The art of holding space is a conscious, compassionate act of witnessing and being fully present. To allow someone the space to feel their feelings and emotions and be with what is happening for them. It invites people to experience themselves in a new way.

Using deep listening, opening and expanding our hearts without wanting anything in return. This is to witness and be present with someone’s truth… it is not about fixing or offering advice. Holding space is one of the best ways to stay connected, honour yourself, others, your spiritual source and the world around you.


If you come in feeling tired, negative, doubtful or angry the space you are creating will absorb and weave in those vibrations. The space will not be able to host the higher transmission of growth and awareness. Your level of consciousness is key and influences the caliber of the space.

Deep Listening

We park our ego outside the space - knowing whatever this individual is feeling, thinking or doing it is not about me. For those who didn’t experience deep listening in childhood be gentle with yourself. It can be challenging to develop competency to be with other’s emotions but it grows with practice.

It is the quality of inner listening with quiet, still awareness that composes the space. Slow yourself down. Turn your attention inward and connect with what you are experiencing in body, mind, and emotions. Listen with all your senses. If we can be with our own experience then it is easier to be with someone else’s experience.

Self Awareness

It is best to be grounded, centred and and clear enough to monitor your own internal state and develop the capacity to hold space for yourself first. Developing the capacity to assess and manage your internal state. Placing our own activation aside in order to be present and support the person you are holding space for.

The Container

A secure container allows movement into a deeper authentic, connected space to explore their inner wisdom. Tune in with not only your ears but also your heart. Direct your focus and set an intention to create a safe, secure container. This helps individuals feel safe and seen to just be with themselves and allows deeper held feelings to surface.


It reaches far beyond just listening as it needs us to develop the capacity to offer a compassionate presence with the individual. Learning to hold space for another person is a very important and complex skill.

Holding with compassion allows the person being held the freedom to have their own experience and build a greater sense of agency.

On The Rise

Each of us possess the innate ability to hold space. We need to allow ourselves to simply be empty: if something arises, we recognize, acknowledge and allow it to move through us. This reaches far beyond just listening as it needs us to develop the capacity to offer a loving, compassionate presence. Listening with the heart is on another level because it requires our entire presence.

The most powerful and safe space is held with the frequency of love.

There is a beautiful natural healing process that unfolds as people are held with the presence of love. The more you practice, the more capacity you develop, and the better able you are to hold space for other people, and for the collective. When you hold space you are inviting the highest possibilities and it becomes a sacred witnessing act.


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